Sadness, Unhappiness, or Depression–Robin Williams’ Death Raises Awareness
12 Tuesday Aug 2014
Written by susanfinlay
I heard about actor Robin Williams’ depression and death by apparent suicide last night and was saddened and shocked. I couldn’t believe that the funniest man on earth could be in so much pain. He will be greatly missed.
Since the news broke, I’ve been reading lots of articles about his death. Many of the articles say that people don’t understand the difference between sadness, unhappiness, and depression, and that their misunderstanding of depression could prevent them from getting the help they need. We tend to use those words interchangeably. I looked up each word in my dictionary. I can’t say it really clarified much.
From the dictionary:
Sad=a: affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness; b: 1) causing or associated with grief or unhappiness; 2) regrettable, deplorable. I couldn’t find a description for sadness.
Unhappy=1) not fortunate; 2) not cheerful or glad; 3) causing or subject to misfortune. I couldn’t find a description for unhappiness.
Depression=b (1) a state of feeling sad; (2) a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked esp. by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies.
August 12, 2014 at 9:07 pm
Very very sad news isn’t it? The awful thing is, to be honest, when I heard the news I wasn’t surprised, sadden yes, but not surprised. Robin Williams was a wonderful comedian, but like so many comedians, in order to keep that high level of comedy, that manic-ness and mania, there is a downside, a darkness. Certainly in his case, he was always so manic, needing to keep the comedy flowing at a thousand miles a minute, that has to take a toll, that need for approval. I just feel very sorry that he felt so bad that death seemed the only option. Depression is a terrible condition and as you said, very much misunderstood. Great post honey, just terribly terribly sad.
August 12, 2014 at 9:59 pm
Thanks, Sophie. It really is sad that he had to suffer like that.