You probably already know that I’m getting ready to publish my newest novel, Not Expecting This. My editor told me this morning that he has only ten pages left to edit. Yay! The book cover designer told me a few days ago that he’ll have some cover design ideas ready sometime today. Another yay!
Once I get all of the edits from the editor, I’ll still have work to do. I’ll have to read through the edits, incorporate them into the novel, and then proofread. I’ll have to pick out the book cover design that I want, too.
Then, I’ll have to write up the book blurb/description that will go on the back cover. I have a description written, but I suspect it’s too long to fit on the cover. Somehow, I will need to shorten it.
I’m tempted to post that long description on here to get feedback, but I should probably wait until I work on it some more. That will be coming soon. I may show you some of the book cover designs, too, or I might wait until I have the perfect one selected.
Even after the finishing touches are done, there’s more work to do. I’ll have to upload the book to Createspace, wait for their approval, then order a print proof. I’ll read the print proof and make corrections (there are always missed typos that need correcting). Then I’ll upload the revised manuscript and publish. So, my best estimate is that the book will be available in roughly two weeks. Yay! Releasing a new book to the public is scary but also very exciting. I can’t wait!
July 24, 2018 at 3:30 pm
Congratulations and good luck!
July 27, 2018 at 8:07 pm
Thank you, Luccia!