Hmm, well, first let me say this has been a hectic year for me. Several trips to Arizona, a move across country to Arizona with three cats, two cars, and my husband, all while working on my seventh novel, was exciting and crazy. Finally, that seventh novel–Tanglewood Grotto–is nearly finished. It’s in my editor’s hands and will soon get a book cover by the amazing Ken Dawson of Creative Covers. The book’s primary protagonist is Lotte Furst, the elderly woman who helped raise her supposed great-niece, Sofie. It’s a complicated story with at least two murders, several missing people, and a few new characters who will impact the lives of all the time travelers from book one.
I don’t have a publication date yet, but I expect it will be in September or October of this year.
So, what’s next you ask? Well, while Tanglewood Grotto: A Bavarian Woods Mystery is being edited, I am working on a standalone time travel psychological mystery. It will be set in Colorado and will take a young female police detective, who has emotional problems, back in time to the Gold Rush days. Quite a challenge for me as a writer, especially since this protagonist will be my first ‘unreliable narrator’. I’m having fun with the book and doing a lot of research about gold mining and the Gold Rush. Right now, I’m on the fourth chapter. Oh, and the book is tentatively title, The High Road to Hell.
But what else?
When I finished the third Outsiders mystery, Winter Tears, I already had ideas for the next book in that series. My Outsiders series is by far my most popular series, with my Bavarian Woods series coming in second. I plan to write the next book–not yet titled–as soon as The High Road to Hell goes to my editor. I’m going to keep him (my editor) really busy in the next six to twelve months. The sequel to Winter Tears will probably focus on Dave Martin’s adorable grandmother, Fabienne Laurent, who may know more about a long-ago murder in town than she wants to admit.
Other books in my plan: A sequel to Liars’ Games is already fairly well planned out. It will take my main characters to a hidden town high in the mountains. The town is home to other people who need to stay off the grid, mainly criminals and, as you might guess, it will not turn out to be the haven my characters were hoping for. It will be a suspense/thriller novel more than a mystery. Also, a sequel to my latest release, The Handyman. I have ideas for the next book, but haven’t firmed up the plot yet. But soon!
And last but not least, I have plans for another time travel mystery that will take a pregnant teenage girl who lives in Arizona back to the Gold Rush days, where she will learn a few lessons about life.
July 2, 2016 at 6:55 pm
Congratulations on such productivity!
July 2, 2016 at 7:15 pm
Thanks, Marlene! You’re pretty productive, yourself.