My husband and I are finally getting to explore a little bit in Arizona. Yesterday morning we went on an outing to the nearby Lake Pleasant. Weather was perfect–between 70 and 75 degrees. When we neared the park, I saw a sign that told there were wild donkeys in the area. Of course my first thought was that I had to see at least one donkey or I wouldn’t be happy. I didn’t say anything, though.
Less than five minutes after we paid our entrance fee and started driving through the park, my husband said “Donkey”. He stopped, backed up a little and then stopped again and said, “I figured you wanted to get a photo.” He knows me all too well. I took two photos and was happy.
We also found out right away that they were having a long-distance race. Runners were running along the dirt trails that weave through the parkland surrounding the lake. Lots of people were camping there, too, and many more had little tents set-up in picnic areas so they could watch the runners, picnic, and stay out of the sun, if needed.
Of course there were lots of people out on the lakes in boats, canoes, or kayaks, and at least a few on jet skis.
My favorite spot was a road that was flooded. I did not expect to see that in the Arizona desert. Cars parked along the road and kids played on the street in the water. We hiked a bit in the area. Nearby was a small beach with people swimming in the lake. As we walked back to our car, we saw several people suiting up in scuba gear. I didn’t expect scuba divers there, either.
We drove around and found one of the campgrounds. Near there was a picnic area and we got out to do more hiking.
After we left Pleasant Lake park, we drove about thirty miles to the town of Wickenburg, which was founded in the late 1800’s. Unfortunately, since it was Sunday, most of the businesses were closed and we didn’t stay long. We decided to go back there again on a weekday.
On our way home, we found a large pottery business that was having its grand opening at a new location. We spent at least an hour browsing there and admiring all the goodies.
I hope you like my photos of the Lake Pleasant area!
April 25, 2016 at 3:53 pm
These are some beautiful pics. I especially like the donkey pic. I was showing these to my husband and he said the only difference would be that I would’ve wanted to get out of the car and go pet the donkey. 🙂 It looks like you’re going to love Arizona!
April 25, 2016 at 6:04 pm
Thanks! I wanted to get out of the car, too, but was afraid I would scare the donkey.
April 25, 2016 at 4:20 pm
Lovely pictures–good job>
April 25, 2016 at 6:05 pm
Thanks, Kathy!
April 25, 2016 at 11:55 pm
Sounds like a beautiful day.
April 25, 2016 at 11:59 pm
Thanks, Judy!