I often hear from people who want to write a book but don’t know how or where to begin. Or from people who have already written a book that’s ready for publication but don’t know how to get it published. I recently began a new blog series, Writing and Publishing Tips From Authors Around the World, to help writers.
The third contributor is U.K. author Kate Rigby and she’s here to talk about book endings.
I first wrote this article for my blog, which I have briefly updated. I was prompted to write it as a result of three reviews of three different books of mine, where the subject of endings came up. Two of these reviews were thorough, in-depth reviews – always worth their weight in gold – the other a four-liner. But what they all had in common was the feeling that my endings were rather abrupt. It’s always good to be challenged and also to know the effect of your writing on your readers.
The four-line reviewer felt that Thalidomide Kid ‘was so rushed in the last chapter that it was almost like the author was trying to beat a deadline and just whipped out the ending rather than finish the story’ and ‘felt cheated of a conclusion’. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth! I spent a lot of time writing and polishing the book with the help of my then publisher. Although my publisher made several suggestions for improvements, interestingly enough, none of them included extending the ending.
Another very favourable review for Fall Of The Flamingo Circus stated: ‘My only issue with the book, and it’s a small one, was the ending. It just sort of happened. Lauren’s life didn’t seem resolved in any way. However, I guess diaries do just that, one day you’re writing one, the other you’re not. This though is a personal view. I like stories to close off.’ More about that later.
The third review of ‘Did You Whisper Back?’ – another thorough in-depth critique – got to the heart of my intentions when I end a book. The reviewer stated: ‘The ending is abrupt which I’m assuming is a deliberate intent to show that a) there are no happy endings and b) there are not really endings in life and c) what we are looking at is a very small beacon of hope, a very small new beginning rather than an ending…I can live with that abruptness because I think it’s stylistically intentional.’
It’s very satisfying for writers when readers and reviewers ‘get’ your intentions. I don’t go in for long drawn-out endings. I hold my hands up, guilty as charged! This is because I have an aversion to the sort of endings, be it in books or in films (especially films) that dot every ‘i’ and cross every ‘t’. When that happens I find myself wanting it to end in the perfect place, which for me is leaving a bit to the imagination, a bit of mystery, a bit of ambiguity, wanting a bit more. There’s a tradition in European dramas and films to understate endings and not to overdo them – perhaps lacking in the UK and the US tradition.
In literary fiction, there is more a tradition of the fluid or ambiguous ending. But if you are used to reading genre fiction with different expectations of endings then this may jar and leave you feeling disappointed or frustrated.
My brother had an altogether different explanation for readers’ perceptions of endings. He thought it may be a gender thing and he may well be right. The need for something ‘to close off’ and the feeling of being ‘cheated of a conclusion’ were both from a male perspective, whereas the reviewer for ‘Did You Whisper Back?’ was female. OK, I know this isn’t scientific evidence but it did get me wondering.
This is where I’d love to have your feedback and thoughts. Do you have expectations of how a book should end? Do you like everything to be tied up or do you like a bit of mystery? Do you have different expectations from different genres? And do you think there are gender differences?
Finally, thank you for reading and many thanks to those who have taken the time and trouble to read and review my books so meticulously.
Author Bio:
Kate Rigby was born near Liverpool and now lives in Devon. She’s been writing for over thirty years, with a few small successes along the way.
She realized her unhip credentials were mounting so she decided to write about it. Little Guide to Unhip was first published in 2010 and has recently been updated.
However, she’s not completely unhip. Her punk novel, Fall Of The Flamingo Circus, was published by Allison & Busby (1990) and by Villard (American hardback 1990). Skrev Press published her novels Seaview Terrace (2003) Sucka!(2004) and Break Point(2006) and other shorter work has appeared in Skrev’s avant garde magazine Texts’ Bones including a version of her satirical novella Lost The Plot.
Thalidomide Kid was published by Bewrite Books (2007).
She has had other short stories published and shortlisted including Hard Workers and Headboards, first published in The Diva Book of Short Stories and as part of the Dancing In The Dark erotic anthology, Pfoxmoor Publishing (2011)
She also received a Southern Arts bursary for her novel Where A Shadow Played (now re-Kindled as Did You Whisper Back?).
She is in the process of re-Kindling her backlist of previously published as well as unpublished work including:
Far Cry From The Turquoise Room,
Suckers n Scallies (formerly Sucka!)
Down The Tubes
She Looks Pale
Tales By Kindlelight (a collection of short stories, many of them previously published or shortlisted in short story competitions),
Savage To Savvy (ABNA Quarter-Finalist 2012)
Her new book The Dead Club is due for release on Amazon on April 7th.
More information can be found at her website:
Or her occasional blog:
March 31, 2015 at 1:19 pm
Thank you for this article – interesting and reassuring. It is good to be reminded that everyone has different reasons for enjoying or not enjoying what they read, many being down to personal taste.
March 31, 2015 at 1:46 pm
Thanks for your feedback, Fran
March 31, 2015 at 1:20 pm
Some of my reviews on Leaving George have said that the ending is too abrupt and strangely there are about the same number that are very complimentary about the ending. When I wrote it I did have in mind that there could be a sequel and maybe I let that play too much into the conclusion! For readers I think it is a very personal thing and for me at least varies depending on each book and it is even more so I think with short fiction.
I have a sort of suspicion that stories come pre-planned from the Muse and I find it very difficult to keep on going when it feels as though all has been said! It is a genuine conundrum and thanks for this post that re-assures me that I am not alone.
March 31, 2015 at 1:50 pm
Many thanks for your feedback, Diane. It is reassuring for me too to know that I’m not the only one! Like you, I’ve had people like the understated endings too. Like you too, I find it difficult to drag out an ending. When readers are critical I feel I have let them down but on the other hand I am also critical of drawn-out endings so it cuts both ways
March 31, 2015 at 1:58 pm
The most frustrating ending for readers is often the one that is inconsistent with the style or flow of the book. A frantic chase-scene like ending for a sedately paced story for example, giving a sense that the beginning of the book was written for one kind of reader and the ending for another. I just read such a book. Very disappointing.
March 31, 2015 at 2:06 pm
I agree, Ann. Movies sometimes have that kind of ending, too, and I just shake my head and think what a waste of time it was.
March 31, 2015 at 5:25 pm
An interesting article. I guess that endings are really not a lot different to the entire book. I mean different people want different things. Some like a snappy, get to the point, ending; others like the happy ever after kind, where the couple sail off into the sunset, and you just have to imagine the rest. Others like the Agatha Christie type where after 250 pages of mystery, the whole case is summed up, and solved in the last 20 pages. I think different type books need different type endings. My genre is generally the murder mystery private detective novel. I tend to sum up in my last chapter, and tie up any loose ends that the reader might have missed..As with all of my writing, I write for me. Some people love it, others hate it. I can’t please everyone. If I like it (including the end) then that’s fine. If others like it as well that’s a bonus.
March 31, 2015 at 7:41 pm
Good points, John. Thanks for your feedback!
March 31, 2015 at 6:03 pm
I totally agree with you about endings. Nothing is ever tied up neatly in life so why in books? I like endings that leave us thinking ‘so, was that resolved this, that or the other way.’ A small conclusion but not an ‘explain everything’ ending where the characters’ lives suddenly become perfect. Maybe just one part of their life falls into place but not the rest.
I like the film Highlander. No explanation was given for the characters being immortal, they just ‘were’. In Highlander 2 this was ruined because it was ‘explained’ that they were aliens. Result= no mystery and a rubbish sequel.
August 7, 2015 at 9:23 pm
Strange, Catherine – you made your comment in March and I’ve only just been notified! But thanks for your feedback. I’ve never seen Highlander but I would feel the same about the sequel.
August 7, 2015 at 9:30 pm
Sorry about that, Kate and Catherine. I usually get an email when there’s a new comment to approve, but today I found numerous comments that hadn’t been approved and which I hadn’t been notified about. I approved them as soon as I saw them.
August 8, 2015 at 1:37 pm
No worries, Susan! Yes, the naughty internet as Catherine rightly says! I think this has happened with me on blogs and other people’s!
August 8, 2015 at 8:56 am
The naughty internet, eh? Its plotting against us.
Yes, Highlander 1 has a fantastic premise, Highlander 2 is just nonsense. Like a lot of movie sequels in fact.
March 31, 2015 at 6:59 pm
I personally quite like a sudden or an ambiguous ending. I don’t always need the author to tell me exactly how things ended, or that they all lived happily ever after. I like gritty realistic stories, and those kinds of endings would probably not fit. I like to wonder and imagine for myself what happened to the characters next. Unless they all died, then as a reader you know the story is never really ‘over’. To me, it’s a bit boring to suggest otherwise. The only endings I don’t like are terribly sad ones, especially if the book has been really sad. I do like to be offered some hope and some light!
March 31, 2015 at 7:45 pm
I totally agree, skipperandtink! Yes, if the story is quite downbeat I feel I need to leave the reader (and myself) with a bit of hope or something not too depressing.
April 1, 2015 at 9:03 am
For myself, I prefer things to be properly rounded off. If a story doesn’t have a conclusion, I do feel cheated. ‘Happy for now’ will do if ‘Happy ever after’ is not possible. (It hardly ever is.)
I’m currently wrestling with an ending – pulling multiple strands together to make something satisfying as a conclusion. Usually, for me, endings just come. Not this time.