Photo Essay of the Swinging Bridges of Brumley in Lake of the Ozarks Region
24 Friday Oct 2014
Written by susanfinlay
My husband and I recently went with a tour group to the Lake of the Ozarks in Central Missouri. One of our favorite stops was at the Swinging Bridges of Brumley. In that area, the 400 foot Auglaize Bridge, which spans the Grand Glaize Creek, and the 100 foot Mill Creek Bridge, which spans Mill Creek, are only 1,000 feet apart by roadway. Our tour guide told us about the background of the bridges. They were built in 1931 by Joseph A. Dice, the legendary swinging bridge builder of Warsaw, Missouri, and his small crew. Dice was a self-taught engineer who didn’t finish fourth grade and never used blueprints to build his 31 suspension bridges.
Cars can drive across the bridges, and we saw a few do that while we were there. We walked across, and that was a bit scary because some of the boards were far apart, creating gaping holes.
I found a cool You Tube video that will let you experience what it’s like to drive across the bridges.
If you look closely at this photo, you’ll see someone standing underneath the bridge. I didn’t notice the person until I got home and uploaded the photos onto my computer.
October 24, 2014 at 10:40 pm
Methinks you have a new mystery series lurking in the title of this post: “The Swinging Bridges of Brumley.” Think what you could do with this, especially in the Lake of the Ozark area, which I’ve visited.
October 24, 2014 at 11:09 pm
That’s a great idea, George! I noticed a couple of abandoned buildings out in the countryside, and that made me wonder what might have happened. I should think up some good mysteries to fit.
October 27, 2014 at 10:40 am
These are lovely photos, Susan, to accompany an interesting post. Thank you!