Welcome to the cover reveal for the upcoming release LYRICAL MUSE a collection of stories that reflects life’s rhythms through the tales of everyday people. Please take a look below!
‘Music Heals the Spirit as the Words Give Life.’
Lyrical Muse Anthology
Publisher: Michelle Cornwell-Jordan (3CM Media)
Lyrical Muse is a collection of stories that reflects life’s rhythms through everyday people. Each story is an example of the best and the worst of the Human soul. Every life lived has its own melody, and within these pages, the reader is taken on a journey to the blackest depths of a daughter’s murderous soul to the prickly minefield of a jealous woman’s heart and so much more.
So enter of your own free will and allow our whimsical Muse to lead you on an odyssey which just might help redefine your own reality.
Set to release
August 05th, 2013
Add to Goodreads
The cover was created by the amazing Joy Stroube
Dreamscape Covers www.dreamscapecovers.com [email protected]
Thanks to the Beta Reader Who Rocks!
Author Emma Meade
I was born and raised in Virginia. Writing has always been a passion
of mine. I earned Ph.D. in Education from Capella University. The
two writers who inspired me the most are Edgar Allan Poe and H.P.
Lovecraft. My discovery of Mr. Poe when I was eleven years old opened
up an entirely new world to me. It is a world that I have shared with
my daughters. I am blessed with a wonderful husband and two beautiful
daughters who both inspire me and support me. I am thankful to them
for their love, encouragement, and support (and many new ideas).
Jamie White
JamieBMusings is a music addict, book lover, pet servant & NaNoWriMo survivor. When she’s not busy writing posts for Culture Shock, she’s taking pictures for her new obsession (That Photo Blog) and spending time with her husband and pets. Her first book, The Life and Times of No One in Particular, was released in May 2012.
C.P. Bialois
CP Bialois completed his first full-length novel, Call of Poseidon, in 2007. Armed with a finished product, Bialois began working on another book, The Sword and the Flame: The Forging, unsure of what he would ultimately be doing with either. As with many others in the later part of the first decade of the 2000’s, he found himself out of work and looking into new options. Over the next two years, he would spend most days at the library, completing an additional half-dozen works.
With five books currently out, Bialois is planning for the release of many more and enjoying the feedback he receives. The up-and-coming author takes inspiration from favorites such as Steven King, Tom Clancy and Sue Grafton. His love of history, fantasy and old monster movies has also served as a muse.
Michelle Cornwell-Jordan
Michelle Cornwell-Jordan is a New Adult/Young Adult-Paranormal Author. Her titles include a YA Novella series Night School Vampire Hunter Trilogy and upcoming novel Chrysalis.
She is also the producer of the online radio segment IndieReview Behind The Scenes, where she and her co-host Jamie B Musings interviews Indie Authors and Musicians.
Michelle has been married for 18 years and has a 15 year old daughter. A book lover, her favorite genre has always been paranormal adventures.
Another love is writing. Michelle has been writing about as long as she has been a bibliophile! Losing herself in a fantasy world that she is creating on paper is how she loves spending her spare time.
Oh, and one final secret about Michelle is that she believes that she also has a secret power, but if she told, she would have to zap ya!
Big Hug and Much Gratitude to the very awesome hosts of today’s cover reveal!
Listed in no particular order
Lyrical Muse Hosts
Sheryl Steines: http://www.sherylsteines.com/
Eden Baylee: http://edenbaylee.wordpress.com/
Cherie Reich: http://cheriereich.blogspot.com/
Shay West: http://shay-west.com/
Alex Laybourne: http://alexlaybourne.com/
Sharon C. Williams: http://newenglandmuse.wordpress.com/2013/06/25/1941/
Mysti Parker: http://www.mystiparker.blogspot.com/
Evan Bollinger: http://www.meanderm.blogspot.com/
Kerry Taylor: http://kerrytayor74.wordpress.com/
Xuanire Javed: http://revampinglife.com/
Jamie Marchant: http://jamie-marchant.blogspot.com/
Teshelle Combs: http://teshellecombs.com/.
Blakely Chorpenning: http://indiscriminatewrites.blogspot.com/
Marianne Spitzer: http://mariannespitzer.blogspot.com
Susan Finlay: http://susansbooks37.wordpress.com/
July 22, 2013 at 1:48 pm
What a beautiful cover!
July 22, 2013 at 3:14 pm
I agree, Susan!
July 22, 2013 at 10:24 pm
Gorgeous. 🙂
July 22, 2013 at 3:56 pm
Susan thanks SO very much for hosting Lyrical Muse today, we appreciate this:O)
July 22, 2013 at 3:57 pm
You’re welcome!